New Mass Effect 3 bounty weekend announced

1 min read

Take part in Operation Shieldwall this weekend.

Starting Friday May 25th at 6pm PST and wrapping up on Monday the 28th at 5am, this newest Mass Effect 3 multiplayer event is loaded with new Bounty Challenges.

  • Allied Goal: Promote 50,000 characters. Successful completion of the allied goal will grant all players a Victory Pack
  • Squad Goal: Promote 3 characters. Successful completion of the squad goal will grant all squadmates a Commendation Pack.
  • Special CircumstanceDue to the failure of Operation Silencer, more banshees will spawn with Reaper enemies and might also spawn with other enemies!
Set your ‘Upload Gameplay Features’ to the ‘on’ position for play (if you want to participate in the event) and lock ‘n’ load troops- Operation Shieldwall is a go on Xbox 360, PS3, and the PC this weekend.

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  • You know what I thought was cool about this?  the fact that the finally failed weekend is having repercussions in this one.  Adds a bit of continuity to the multiplayer.  Though, I absolutely hate banshees and am NOT looking forward to seeing more of the buggers. 😛

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