New Little King’s Story coming to PSV

1 min read

Konami announced today that its royal RPG, Little King’s Story, will be getting a Playstation Vita exclusive sequel.

The game will feature a brand new storyline and will heavily make use of the PSV’s touch control capabilities. It even uses the apparently forgotten rear touchpad. According to Konami, the title will also support co-op play, leaderboards, dlc and will showcase an updated look with some shiny new graphics.

New Little King’s Story follows players as they assume the role of King Corobo, tasked with reclaiming his kingdom from the Devil King, “The Nightmare.” Players will experience an incredible journey as they visit seven different kingdoms and battle against evil dark lords that have captured the royal princesses. As King, gamers will need to lead their Royal Guard in every grand battle, and plan attacks wisely as they grow their populations and broaden their territories.

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