
3 mins read

We do try and cover as much as possible at Digitally Downloaded, but it would be impossible to cover everything, and besides, variety is the spice of life. You may or may not have noticed that we have slowly been building up a network of friendly sites who offer some of the best news, reviews and thoughts you’ll find on the Internet.

So I wanted to take this lazy Monday afternoon to give a shout out to all our friends who, combined, render it completely unnecessary to ever visit one of those professional Websites. If you haven’t visited anyone below yet, then go do so – you won’t regret it!

Super Phillip Central: (or as I like to think of it, “that awesome guy who makes cool lists, but doesn’t give enough love to Nier”)

Play Nintendo: (All the Nintendo news you’ll ever need. Good reviews too!)

Chalgyr’s Game Room: (This guy loves his games. And plays a whole lot of them! Also the news guy at Otaku Gaming, so he’s doubly awesome )

Chic Pixel: (If you like Japanese games, this is the place to be, well, this and Otaku Gaming)

Incomplete Gaming!?: (Doesn’t post nearly enough, but when he does, he’s great)

Coffee With Games: (What happened to Coffee? We need to organise a search and rescue)

Trembling Hand: (For an academic twist to game writing)

Gaming Heap: (The Skyrim guy! Plays other games too)

Game Redemption: (A startup site with a lot of potential)

Volatile Mode: (This site will always get you thinking)

Gaming Gauge: (Irregular updates, but this guy knows his stuff)

Nine Over Ten: (Some of the best iPhone reviews you’ll come across)

Nintendo Gamer Thoughts: (real Nintendo enthusiast, give him some love!)

Popbucket: (Good movie reviews too!)

Strange Moments in Gaming: (The newest site on the list, this one is a lot of fun to read)

Nintendo Nation: (Nintendo news and reviews with an Aussie twist. That makes them awesome)

8-bit Girl: (Some good thoughts in here, and some good art work too!)

See? Between everything, who needs IGN?

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

  • Coffee's probably drinking. Coffee. Hopefully.

    Thanks for the add, Matt!  There's a couple of sites here I haven't discovered yet, so I will now. Yes, being Aussie is awesome!

  • Thanks for being awesome with the Nintendo coverage! I hope we've been able to direct some traffic your way in return 🙂

  • Hey, thanks for the mention and you're right, I don't post nearly enough.  Looking forward to bumping up the frequency at some point when things get back to normal.  

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