Battlefield Heroes goes where no man has gone before – Digitally Downloaded

Battlefield Heroes goes where no man has gone before

1 min read

“One small step for man, one giant leap for laser wielding Heroes” Just about says it all doesn’t it?

EA is taking it’s free to play online shooter Battlefield Heroes into the final frontier in a new expansion dubbed Lunar Landing.

One small step for man, one giant leap for laser-wielding Heroes. Battlefield Heroes™, the hit free-to-play arcade cartoon shooter from EA, is blasting off to the moon this April 18th, 2012 with all-new space themed content. Players can strap on their moonboots and start bouncing around the moon map, ’Lunar Landing’. Using low gravity to traverse the environment and outsmart enemies, gamers can jump over objects and even base jump from a vantage point to take down the enemy faction and lead their team to victory. The ‘Lunar Landing’ map brings a whole new experience to Battlefield Heroes, fundamentally altering the traditional gameplay mechanics of the third-person shooter. To play the all new ‘Lunar Landing’ map, visit and sign up to play for free.

In addition to the new setting, you’ll also be able to outfit your trooper with hi-tech weaponry and deck yourself out in majorly cool spacesuits. Pretty neat stuff and a first for the series.

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