Screenshots: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 – Digitally Downloaded

Screenshots: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2

1 min read

Sonic’s latest 2D platformer has been announced and expected for quite a while, but fans have had to bide the time waiting for actual gameplay by viewing Sega’s enemy concept art. Thanks to updated information on the Xbox Live Marketplace, you can now see what the game will look like.

Screenshots indicate the inclusion of Tails’ airplane, Metal Sonic as a boss, Christmas avalanches, classic special stages, and an uncanny variety in stage concepts. You can view the complete batch over at the game’s official page on the Xbox website.

Expect to see the completed game at some point this year, but no firm date has been announced. It does look like development is taking off, though.

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  • To be honest, it's pretty expensive with not much content, uninspired levels, and weird physics compared to the classic games. Not totally "bad", but it's no Sonic 2. 

    This one looks like it will address issues with the original, or at least the more vocal complaints, so I'd say wait for this. 

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    Screenshots: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2

    1 min read

    Sonic’s latest 2D platformer has been announced and expected for quite a while, but fans have had to bide the time waiting for actual gameplay by viewing Sega’s enemy concept art. Thanks to updated information on the Xbox Live Marketplace, you can now see what the game will look like.

    Screenshots indicate the inclusion of Tails’ airplane, Metal Sonic as a boss, Christmas avalanches, classic special stages, and an uncanny variety in stage concepts. You can view the complete batch over at the game’s official page on the Xbox website.

    Expect to see the completed game at some point this year, but no firm date has been announced. It does look like development is taking off, though.

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    This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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