EA touts massive Play4Free numbers – Digitally Downloaded

EA touts massive Play4Free numbers

2 mins read

Electronic Arts has a pretty decent Play4Free (as it’s been dubbed) lineup going these days. In fact, players are downright flocking to their current offerings as the community has reached 25 million.

Two flagship titles, Battlefield Heroes™ and Need for Speed™ World, each reached 10 million registered players earlier this month. In addition, Battlefield™ Play4Free, Dragon Age™ Legends, Battleforge™ and Lord of Ultima™ bring the total community across the 25 million mark, with a combined 5 million players.

People still play Ultima?!? Wow… Well anyway- to celebrate all 25 million of it’s freemium players, EA has unleashed a few special goodies. If you play Battlefield Heroes, enter code EQ9M-TYYT-TXR3-5GU3 for 300 bonus battlefunds. Play Need for Speed World? How about 750 speed boosts? Just enter code EWPD-3KGA-VBVF-9HYS

Also of note for players of both games, there’s a bunch of new stuff inbound for your preferred free-to-play titles in the near future:

Need for Speed World is releasing a series of new cars, starting with the 2012 Porsche 911 Carrera S that went live on January 10th.  The month will continue to see an impressive rollout of vehicles from exotics to muscles to beloved classics. Battlefield Heroes has a fresh slate of clothing items and weapons launching in the coming weeks as well.

Oh, and one more thing- you might want to jump on those codes. They both expire on the 17th of this month… free stuff tends not to hang around all that long.

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