The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #9; Magicka – Digitally Downloaded

The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #9; Magicka

2 mins read

Seeing green and red? It must be Christmas!

Every year the world patiently (or not-so-patiently) counts down those 24 days to Christmas; there’s even calendars filled with little treats to help keep the young ones patient.

Then the big day rolls around and it’s filled with great food, great company and, of course, presents.

Christmas is the best time of year, and so to do our bit in celebrating we’re doing our own advent calendar. Each day we’ll unveil another game that has touched us in some way over the year – whether because it’s a work of interactive art, laugh-out-loud funny or just so weird it blew our mind.

So be sure to check back each day for a new game suggestion to fill your Christmas break!

16 Days to Go! Magicka

Read our full review here

The irreverent and hilarious team of young developers and producers have provided us with a number of hilarious antics this year.

From mimicking Bethesda’s Skyrim poster with their own Magicka flair at E3 to the Reservoir Dogs-style promotional video, it is clear that the team have a wonderful sense of humour.

Don’t believe it based on those antics? Try the game. It is laced with very witty pop culture and high class parody. Further, it is one of the best multiplayer experiences out there – if you don’t mind the occasional friendly fire.

What better way to spend the festive season than blowing stuff up with magic with friends?

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  • I'm rather amazed there hasn't been a PSN/ XBLA port, to be honest. This game would be perfect for those formats. 

  • I'm rather amazed there hasn't been a PSN/ XBLA port, to be honest. This game would be perfect for those formats. 

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