It’s been a month and a bit since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was released, and people have already devoted days and days worth of time to the game – almost more than people have devoted to Skyrim, in some cases. People play the wheels off of Call of Duty games but, more often than not, they don’t bother to stop and think about how it stacks up to the games that came before it.
Well, I decided to take a crack at it. This here is a list of all of the major games of the Call of Duty franchise, ranked from best to worst. If you haven’t had a chance to play them all – from original to the latest release – give it a read: you may be surprised at how things stack up.
– Nick J.
Switch Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 and you have my picks. I know that's an unpopular decision, but I really hate the first Modern Warfare and found 2 to be such a huge improvement. Otherwise a great list.
Switch Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 and you have my picks. I know that's an unpopular decision, but I really hate the first Modern Warfare and found 2 to be such a huge improvement. Otherwise a great list.
Thanks for the comment, man! I can't say I agree with it, but I do appreciate it!
What exactly did you feel was so much better in the second one?
Thanks for the comment, man! I can't say I agree with it, but I do appreciate it!
What exactly did you feel was so much better in the second one?
I've missed most of this series – I didn't play Modern Warfare until well after MW2 and Black Ops. I enjoyed all 3 titles, but I think MW2 had my favorite online experience overall, and BlackOps my favorite storyline. Fun to see the opinions though on the other titles I haven't played yet.
I've missed most of this series – I didn't play Modern Warfare until well after MW2 and Black Ops. I enjoyed all 3 titles, but I think MW2 had my favorite online experience overall, and BlackOps my favorite storyline. Fun to see the opinions though on the other titles I haven't played yet.
black ops
cod 3
mw3. i think in that order is the fun factor on mp.
single player is crap in them all. just run from a to b to c and so forth. waw with coop for the single player is the reason i put it above mw3
mw3is my last cod there is nothing new and the lag is just a joke
black ops
cod 3
mw3. i think in that order is the fun factor on mp.
single player is crap in them all. just run from a to b to c and so forth. waw with coop for the single player is the reason i put it above mw3
mw3is my last cod there is nothing new and the lag is just a joke
Better perks and weapons, I prefered the maps (less clutter on the ground in them for me to get stuck on) and no freakin' Martyrdom! Ugh, I used to go into whole games where everybody was using that perk (except for me) and grenades would be going off all over the freakin' place all the time! It was so annoying!
Better perks and weapons, I prefered the maps (less clutter on the ground in them for me to get stuck on) and no freakin' Martyrdom! Ugh, I used to go into whole games where everybody was using that perk (except for me) and grenades would be going off all over the freakin' place all the time! It was so annoying!
I would of gone: Original CoD, CoD 4, MW3, then the rest in no particular order
I would of gone: Original CoD, CoD 4, MW3, then the rest in no particular order
We all have our own opinions, but I don't think mw2 was bad. I only played multiplayer, and it seemed to be a great experience for me. I don't think it's quite as good as cod 1,2, and doesn't even compare to cod4, but really??? Mw3 sucked so bad… It's hacked, camped-out, and lags like crap for me. However, mw2 never lags!!! I didn't play WaW but it looks fun and cod3 was so ridiculously terrible.
My list it:
1. Cod4- amazing multiplayer, NO OVERPRICED DLC, stunning storyline, and best map ever (crash)
2. Cod2- very good, didn't play multiplayer, but the storyline is amazing
3. Cod1- similar to cod2, not quite as great, however
4. WaW- graphics aren't the best, but it was the best trey arch game, definitely a decent game
5. Mw2- maps were legendary (rust, highrise, terminal) storyline was okay, spec ops was great to me, but the DLC was ridiculously overpriced
6. Black ops- bad storyline, awful shotguns, and snipers weren't good. Only a select few good maps (summit, nuketown, firing range) but zombies was very good
7. Cod3- such a bad game. So glad I only played the demo. So many things taken away from cod2. Disappointing.
8. Mw3- I don't know why people like this game. The storyline wasn't bad, but the snipers are total crap, the missions weren't good, and the DLC is just as overpriced as mw2, but even worse because there will be FOUR DLC PACKS. But the worst thing…… Those crap maps. Mw3 has the two worst maps in cod history carbon and freaking downturn. Mw3 was so freaking bad I can't take it. $60 for that sh*t.
But it's just an opinion……….
well I have to say I am thankful for the review, it's nice to have the games listed like this, but I don't share your opinion on several things. 1) cold war era notion is not a bad platform at all. As a matter fact is the most powerful thing when it comes to an idea of international WW-ish conflict. The modern Russia is not much more of a free worlds friend as it used to be, plus note that they often have the back of bad guys (e.g. opressive china, nationalistic serbia or perhaps nuclear Iran). Yes modern warfare story lines mostly sucked, but the gameplay is mostly fine. And apart from MW 1 in 2 is much better solo play and survival mode in 3rd is even better than that. I haven't played black ops, but I'm curious to know what would my opinion on it be. 🙂
my list is
9-COD (Never Played)