So it was big news on the PSN front this week, with Sony trickling a few classic but less well known PS2 games, completely unmodified, to the service (including the rather brilliant God Hand).
This game is in many (most) ways an inferior clone to the Resident Evil series, but by the same token, it was still good, shlock horror fun.
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel on the PlayStation 3 is a fun, if slightly demented game with some… strange… moe otaku fanservice going on. But that’s the third game in the series, many of us missed out on playing the PlayStation original games.
So, who’s a fan of Suda 51? Here’s one of his PlayStation 2 games that a lot of us probably likely missed out on the opportunity of playing, given that it was a Japan-only release.
I don’t see a HD remake happening for the Dragon Quest games. Square Enix is busy playing with the Final Fantasy series for that.
Tecmo Koei has never been one to shy away from an opportunity to make money from its Romance of the Three Kingdoms franchise. Dynasty Tactics is the forgotten brother to Dynasty Warriors. This was a strategy game rather than the action button-masher many accuse Warriors to be.
Oh Pandemic, why did things have to go so wrong? The original Mercenaries game was an open-world wonder, full some truly entertaining moments. It was also a huge game, with no less than 52 targets to hunt down, four different factions to either ally with or fight against, and two different cities/ regions to explore and fight across.
This “make your own RPG” package was awesome fun. For one thing, it allowed you to make full 3D RPGs – a first for the series, and actually seeing your work realised as a limited but complete “modern” RPG was very, very addictive.
Screw the critics, Worms Forts was awesome fun. Critics called it slow and ponderous. Those critics didn’t run into a certain buddy of mine that could slaughter us within ten turns.