Digitally Downloaded poll results #5: What is a reasonable price for an A-grade downloadable title?

1 min read

Another week goes by and we have some new poll results to share with you. This time around we asked our readers what they felt was a fair price for a top-quality downloadable title.

The winning price category was $0-$15, which 35 per cent of our readers said was a fair price for a downloadable game.

Next came $15-$30, which 27 per cent said was their ideal price range. 16 per cent felt developers/ publishers should charge $30-$45.

13 per cent said that good games should be free. Lovely theory, but you have to wonder just how many A-grade games we’d get with that business model. Just 6 per cent felt that a premium of $45 is a fair price for a good game.

I personally still believe that it’s a good thing if developers earn big margins on their games. Many criticise the games industry for a lack of innovation, and yet they don’t seem to understand that the downward pressure on game prices makes it very difficult to be innovative with those big blockbuster releases that we all buy.

But that’s a discussion for another time (or feel free to pop into our forum to discuss). Until next time!

Make sure you vote in our new poll: How many games do you download a month? See you there!

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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