Digitally Downloaded poll results #3: What genres of games do you enjoy most?

1 min read

This was always going to be a varied poll, since there are so many different types of games out there these days.

Here are the results, and remember, people could vote for multiple things this time around, so the total won’t add up to 100%:

Action Adventure (God of War): 41%
Platformer (Mario Galaxy): 25%
Arcade (Pac Man): 20%
JRPG (Final Fantasy): 44%
WRPG (Dragon Age): 25%
RTS (Command & Conquer): 30%
Turn-based Strategy (Advance Wars): 55%
Puzzler (Tetris): 20%
Casual Games (Dance, Guitar Hero, Angry Birds): 20%
Other (Anything else!): 46%

So obviously with all the strategy games we review here, strategy games were always going to go well, but it’s interesting to see that our readers prefer turn based strategy to real time strategy.

It’s also warming to see JRPGs are still more popular than WRPGs. We love D & D, naturally, but JRPGs will always hold a special place in our hearts.

It’s also not surprising to see “other” score so well; after all, our poll didn’t have enough spaces to hold FPSers and Sports games, and who doesn’t enjoy those (well, apparently 54% of people).

But anyway, what do you think of these results? What is your analysis?

And don’t forget to check out our old polls:

And make sure you answer our new one:

Are there any genres that can’t work on iPad/ iPhone?

Happy voting!

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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