Gameloft hits massive App milestone – Digitally Downloaded

Gameloft hits massive App milestone

1 min read

Since the launch of the Apple App Store, mobile specialists, Gameloft, has shifted no less than 200 million games.

Those games have been hit and miss, to say the least. Some, such as Star Front and Modern Combat, have been fun if derivative. Others, such as Order and Chaos and Eternal Legacy, have been simply derivative.

But love it or hate it, the Gameloft momentum train is not about to slow down. The developer/ publisher has no fewer than 20 more games headed to the App store this year alone.

We’re interested to hear your thoughts on Gameloft: Guilty pleasure? iPad/ iPhone saviours or an evil company responsible for cheapening the value of games? Let us know in the comments below, or come say hi on our forums!

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