Preview: Panzer Corps (new screens; trailer) – Digitally Downloaded

Preview: Panzer Corps (new screens; trailer)

1 min read

Hardcore wargame specialists, Matrix Games, is back in action, gearing up for the release of World War 2 strategy-em-up, Panzer Corps.

If you’ve ever played any of the Panzer General games back in the day, you’ll more or less know what you’re in for with Panzer Corps. Which is a good thing – the original Panzer General is now 17 years old, and well due for an update.

You’ll be moving around a hex-based board map, fighting across 26 scenarios and commanding 400 different unit types. Available nations to play include all the major, and many minor forces, including: Germany, Italy, Poland, France, Great Britain, USA, USSR, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Albania, Romania, Greece.

Unlike other Matrix-published games, such as Advanced Tactics: Gold and Combat Command, Panzer Corps aims to be accesible – the strategy level is kept light and breezy, and the presentation is quite stylish.

The teaser trailer:

And a few more screenshots:

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  • I have to say, this brought back some memories. I spent a lot of time with one of the older iterations. I've always had a soft spot for tactical strategy games (though I have played more of them with a fantasy theme over the years). Nice find

  • I have to say, this brought back some memories. I spent a lot of time with one of the older iterations. I've always had a soft spot for tactical strategy games (though I have played more of them with a fantasy theme over the years). Nice find

  • Yeah, I'm a big fan of wargames (I recommend you check out Advanced Tactics: Gold for a really good modern example).

    This one looks good too! I'm got my fingers crossed that it's a deep strategic game – and if Matrix Games' track record is to be believed, than it will be.

  • Yeah, I'm a big fan of wargames (I recommend you check out Advanced Tactics: Gold for a really good modern example).

    This one looks good too! I'm got my fingers crossed that it's a deep strategic game – and if Matrix Games' track record is to be believed, than it will be.

  • thanks for the suggestion – I'll have to look that up. most of the ones I've played tend to fall into the fantasy genre. Some of my earliest 'strategy games' were the Shining Force games and one of my all-time favorites for the Genesis was Warsong. I just finished King's Bounty – Legend and my wife just got me Starcraft 2 for Easter.

    Seems like half of the games I've gotten off of Steam and Good Old Games have been strategy, now that I think about it and look them over, 🙂

  • thanks for the suggestion – I'll have to look that up. most of the ones I've played tend to fall into the fantasy genre. Some of my earliest 'strategy games' were the Shining Force games and one of my all-time favorites for the Genesis was Warsong. I just finished King's Bounty – Legend and my wife just got me Starcraft 2 for Easter.

    Seems like half of the games I've gotten off of Steam and Good Old Games have been strategy, now that I think about it and look them over, 🙂

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