Poker meets Magic The Gathering on Steam in Runespell: Overture

1 min read

RPG hybrids are all the rage right now – just look at the success of Puzzle Quest, and the number of games that has led to. The newest developer to try and take advantage of that is Mystic Box with its upcoming Runespell: Overture.

Due for release on Steam before Summer the game promises to meld Poker or Yahtzee mechanics with collectible card game addictiveness. Players will be able to unlock power ups and special attacks available as collectible cards, defeat over 30 monster types (each with its own deck of cards), and turn defeated enemies into pets.

There’s also in game achievements and leaderboards integrated with Steamworks to keep you playing longer.

Following the Steam release the game will also be made available on Impulse, Macstore and Direct 2 Drive. “Other platforms are being considered,” the developer also claims.

While we all wait for the game’s release date to get closer, enjoy the launch trailer!

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