Matrix Games announces Team Assault: Baptism of Fire – Digitally Downloaded

Matrix Games announces Team Assault: Baptism of Fire

1 min read

Matrix Games, in collaboration with Slitherine and developers, Zeal, has announced a 3D turn-based strategy game, set during World War 2 – Team Assault: Baptism of Fire.

This is a really, really good looking game. Essentially a “tactics” strategy game, you’ll take control of a small unit of soldiers (that look suspiciously like the plastic army men you’d play with as a kid), and teal them through a variety of deadly missions.

Though it is turn-based, Matrix Games promises the game will be far more active than that, with counter actions and dynamic turns making for a faster paced experience than most examples of this genre.

And, in true Matrix Games style, there’s a comprehensive map editor coming with the game, allowing fans to create their own scenarios for additional replay value.

Chalk up another war game we’re salivating over.

Game trailer:

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