Pen and paper geniuses, EN World, step into MMOs with War of the Burning Sky – Digitally Downloaded

Pen and paper geniuses, EN World, step into MMOs with War of the Burning Sky

1 min read

In the world of pen-and-paper RPGs, the big daddy of them all, Dungeons and Dragons, has moved on to fourth edition. However, the popularity of the previous edition – 3.5 – remains strong, and this faithful player base is precisely what GSG is banking on with War of the Burning Sky.

We’ve been waiting to play this in MMO form…

This game is especially exciting because it is being released in conjunction with EN World Publishing – true legends of the pen-and-paper RPG space. The game is a free to play MMO, which is all the rage now.

The game seems to have a good sense of morality – promising the decisions you make have a very real impact on the world around you. And it should be a world that you care about – featuring a wide range of NPCs and a full season system across the many varied landscapes.

Free-to-play MMOs are now dime a dozen, but the partnership with ENWorld has us very excited, and War of the Burning Sky was a very popular pen and paper RPG. That, in itself, means this game is worth looking into.

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