Study shows that playing PopCap games makes you happy – Digitally Downloaded

Study shows that playing PopCap games makes you happy

1 min read

Apparently, playing video games can help depression.

An experiment from East Carolina University’s Psychophysiology had nearly 60 (half of which served as controls) subjects – all meeting the criteria of clinical depression – play three casual games – Bejeweled 2, Peggle and Bookworm Adventures.

According to the study, those that did play the games experienced an average of 57 per cent in reduction of depression symptoms.

In a release, Dr. Carmen Russoniello, director of the Psychophysiology lab, said “The results of this study clearly demonstrate the intrinsic value of certain casual games in terms of significant, positive effects on the moods and anxiety levels of people suffering from any level of depression.
Now, take this data with a healthy pinch of salt. The study was funded by PopCap games, the same company that produced Bejeweled 2, Peggle and Bookworm Adventures.
If the same study was commissioned by Gameloft, we imagine the results would be the other way around (just a joke, please don’t get upset, Gameloft fans!)

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