Firemint sells three million copies of Flight Control – Digitally Downloaded

Firemint sells three million copies of Flight Control

1 min read

The runaway success train for Aussie developer, Firemint, Flight Control, has broken the 3 million sales mark for the iPhone and iPod touch.

18 months after release, the game remains in the top 30 paid iPhone/ iPod Touch games in 64 countries around the world – including #7 in Netherlands, #12 in UK, #14 in Australia, #16 in France and #27 in the USA.

The game also continues to find new platforms for further success, with a recent iPad edition and an upcoming HD, Move-enabled and 3D edition for the PlayStaion.

Non-iPhone smart phone users are also getting a version, thanks to a recent licensing agreement with publisher, Namco.

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