new-dead-or-alive-xtreme-3-details-are – Digitally Downloaded


2 mins read

Mere weeks ago, Koei Tecmo confirmed that Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 was in development. Of course, our very own editor-in-chief/Overlord immediately went temporarily insane and (when he recovered) published a piece about what we would love to see in the third instalment of the controversial game. Now we have a little bit more information on the game available, courtesy of a Famitsu interview with producer Yosuke Hayashi.

Related reading: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 announced: Five things we would like to see.

First, let’s talk logistics. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 will be available on two platforms, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita; each version has a different name, with Vita’s being “Venus.” The game will be sold in Asia, but if there is enough demand Koei Tecmo will consider releasing it to other continents. The Vita version will utilize the touch panel and gyro sensor.

Second, let’s discuss content. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 will provide more character depth than in past games. Spending more time devoted to one character may result in special rewards. What characters will appear in the game remains to be seen, as Koei Tecmo is launching custom themes on August 20 for 15 heroines and only the nine most-downloaded will appear in the game. No exception. No new characters via DLC. Touch love, Koei Tecmo, tough love.

Last but certainly not least, Hayashi confirms that the suntans have been significantly powered up. Phew.

– Lindsay M.
News Editor

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