
1 min read
Remember how we reported the rather weird news that an Aussie developer was involved in the development of a lacrosse game? A sport that 99 per cent of Australians would barely be aware exists?

The Kickstarter for that project is now live. It’s the US developer that Big Ant (the Aussie guys) is partnering with for this game that is running the Kickstarter, which means that Big Ant didn’t need to wait for the Aussie Kickstarter site to go fully live.

Two days in and things seem to be off to a good start; the duo of development studios have found 313 backers and raised a little over $20,000 of the $210,000 goal. I hope that’s not going to be the entire budget for the game, because that’s minuscule, but somehow I doubt it. Plus it looks like the game will be running on the engine that powered the AFL games, which will save on some significant development costs.

What the heck. My interest is piqued. I am going to get in on this action. See you on the lacrosse field, folks!

If you’re keen to support the game the Kickstarter link is here.

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