Oozi: Earth Adventure crash lands on XBLA Indie Games – Digitally Downloaded

Oozi: Earth Adventure crash lands on XBLA Indie Games

1 min read

Classic platformers are increasingly rare in the world of polygons and 3D visuals. Thank goodness for XBLA Indie Games, then.

Oozi: Earth Adventure Episode 1 is a new 2D platformer available on the service. It tells the story of Oozi, an alien spaceship pilot, who has crashed to earth and needs to find his way home.

In addition to the core story, there’s seven additional Challenge levels and a time-limited arcade mode to really test your abilities. It’s only going to set you back 80 Microsoft Points.

Hopefully it’s a hit. Oozi is a pretty cool looking alien, and the “Episode 1” suggests the developer would like to make more.

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